Monday, September 24, 2012


1. What is a daguerrotype? What did the surface of a daguerrotype resemble? What photographic process did the daguerrotype replace?

It was the first commercially successful photograph process. The Daguerrotype's surface resembles a mirror and it replaced the Bacquerel process. 

2. What is an "albumen" print? What was the main "ingredient" of the albumen process? When did the albumen process die out?

The first commercially exploitable method of producing photographic print on a paper base from a negative. The main ingredient was albumen, found in white eggs. This process dies out when the Collodion process became popular.

3. What is a "stereograph?" When were they popular?

A particular mapping function that projects a sphere onto a plane. They were popular in the 17th and 18th centuries.

4. What is a "carte de visite?" What were they used for?

A type of small small photograph which was patented in Paris, France. They were used to take photos and send to family members during the American Civil War.

5. Who were Matthew Brady and Alexander Gardner? They both are notable for what type of photography? When were they active? Post two noteworthy photographs for each photographer.

They were photographers who photographed and documented the civil war. They were notable for their photojournalism and they worked in 1856.  

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